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25 November 2017

Simple Exerecise to prevent Osteoporosis
AstroVighnesh Wat'sapp:US (425) 358-6565 India:+91 9445548316
Starting at age 30 and onwards, our bones become more porous and less dense, which makes them vulnerable to fracture, bad  posture and even a shrinkage of our stature. That said, there are good ways of preventing loss of bone density through  exercise. Below I will explain a bit about bone density, why we lose it with age and what exercises you can perform to  maintain it.
Why does osteoporosis occur? 
During our lifetime, the bones in our body are dismantled and rebuilt, but after age 30, the bone gets to a state where  the deconstructed material is more prevalent than the built. This situation causes osteoporosis and damages the overall  strength of our frame. The osteoporosis makes our bones vulnerable and causes possible fractures. The most common places for a fracture are in the wrist, the vertebra and the hips. 
osteoporosis exercises
Who suffers from osteoporosis?
Because of the function estrogen plays in this process, women after menopause are the biggest sufferers of osteoporosis.  That said, men also suffer from this problem. Bone density goes deteriorates faster in women around age 50, while with men it appears around age 70.
There are various types of medication for osteoporosis, usually given when the situation is especially bad. Still, the  best known way of treating osteoporosis is prevention by exercise. Once the process of osteoporosis has already begun,  exercise slowly loses effect, and so the medical recommendation is to begin regular exercise as early as possible.
8 Exercises for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
osteoporosis exercises

The exercises laid out here are not overly complicated, but can be performed on rising levels of difficulty. The idea is  to challenge your body in order to strengthen it and remain at a rising level of difficulty. But one must understand and  know what the limitations of the body are, so as to not cause damage during training. Regular, persistent exercises,  rising in difficulty, will help you improve your bone density and slow down its breakage. The training should combine  exercises that work on your balance, coordination, strength and flexibility. 
Each exercises explained here will have a basic and advanced versions. If you already suffer from osteoporosis - stick to  the basic version. If you feel these exercises are too easy, slowly move to the advanced version.
During the activity, avoid stretching your spine and wrists, keep your neck and shoulders relaxed, and don't forget to  breath during the exercise. After a light warmup of walking or going up the stairs for 5-10 minutes, perform 2 sets of  each exercise and rest for about 45 seconds between each set. Complete the sets of each exercise before moving on to the  next. For optimal results, perform this activity 3-4 times a week, do aerobics for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week and  built a diet menu rich in calcium.
Retracting Arms

Works on: Posture, bone strength, back and shoulder muscles.

osteoporosis exercises
 osteoporosis exercises

1. Sit with your back straight on a well-balanced, strong chair, with your feet flat on the floor.

2. Lift your arms to the sides of your shoulders and hold your forearms at a 90-degree angle.

3. Make sure your wrists are just above your elbows.

4. Squeeze the shoulders muscles one against the other by retracting your arms back and downwards.

5. Hold for 2 seconds, release and repeat.

6. Don't let your head pull you forward.

Advanced version:

Lay on your stomach and make the same action with your arms and shoulders. Lift your arms as high as possible. Hold for 2  seconds, lower back down and repeat.

osteoporosis exercises
osteoporosis exercises


Works on: Bone strength, buttocks, thigh muscles, quadriceps and hamstring.

osteoporosis exercises

1. Lay on your back with your arms at your sides and lay your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent.

2. Exhale, clench your buttocks and your stomach muscles, and lift your hips as high as possible.

3. Remain in this form for 1 second, return to the lying down position and repeat the action.

4. Make sure that when you are raising your hips your thighs and body form a straight line.

Advanced version:

Make things harder on yourselves by crossing one leg over the knee of the other. Complete the action and change legs.

osteoporosis exercises
osteoporosis exercises


Works on: Balance, strengthening your hips, quadriceps and buttocks.

 osteoporosis exercises
 osteoporosis exercises

1. Stand in front of a sturdy chair with your back to it.

2. Slowly distance your legs from one another until they are hip wide.

3. Slowly sit by bending your knees.

4. Keep your knees at a line with your toes.

5. Stand up and repeat the movement.

6. If the movement is too hard for you, put down a pillow to make the seat taller.

7. Repeat 5-10 times (according to your ability) over 3 sets.

Advanced version:

Stand to the side of the chair and hold it for support. Perform a sitting movement while one leg is on the floor and the  other in the air for balance. Get down to the height of the chair and slowly rise. Then change legs and repeat.

osteoporosis exercises
osteoporosis exercises


Works on: Balance, strengthening the wrists, bone strength and shoulder muscles.

osteoporosis exercises

1. Stand about 30 inches (80 cm) away from the wall, facing it.

2. Put your hands on the wall at shoulder height and lean on the wall.

3. Transfer the weight of your body to your hands.

4. Keep your stomach muscles clenched and your neck aligned with your spine.

5. Hold this position for 10 seconds, and then return to your first posture.

6. Try to raise the amount of time you can hold the position, until you reach 45 seconds. You can also take a little more  distance fro mthe wall to make things harder on yourselves.

Advanced version:

Lie down on the floor and push yourselves with your hands, with your toes anchored to the floor. The palms of your hands should be just under the shoulders. If this is too hard, start with your knees on the floor and try to work your way up to the full form.

osteoporosis exercises
osteoporosis exercises

If you're interested in a more formal frame for your workout, there are other types of exercises you can integrate into your daily routine:

Tai Chi: Tai Chi builds on your coordination and muscles. It is highly recommended for women. A 45 minute exercise a day, 5 times a week, can really do wonders.

Yoga: Raises the density of minerals in the spine, hip and wrist bones. It also works on your balance, coordination, concentration and bodily awareness.

Dancing: This can be an exercise that combines dancing such as the zoomba, but also tango or salsa dancing will do the trick and strengthen your bones.

Tennis: Mainly improves bone density in the area of the shoulders and arms, but also works on the legs and feet.

Strength training: Using free weights to exercise can contribute to bone growth. Twice a week will lead you to good results.

Experience Less Joint Pain During Workouts

AstroVighnesh Wat'sapp: US:(425) 358-6565 India:+919445548316
Running and walking are the easiest, cheapest and most immediate types of exercise we can do to preserve our body, lose weight or stay in shape. Unfortunately, age, past injuries and joint problems may cause this workout to feel painful and unrewarding. If you suffer joint pain during running or walking, it doesn't mean you have to stop. You just have to know how to do it the right way. That is why I'd to give you a few tips to avoid pain and physical damage while you work out.
1. Add low resistance training to your schedule.
Running and walking are not the only activities you can do. It is recommended to combine other styles of training that work on cardiovascular endurance and do not apply strong pressure on the joints. This can be elliptical training (on an elliptical machine), biking, swimming, dancing, etc. These other activities will even improve your skill at running. You can try to combine 3 running workouts with 2 low resistance workouts instead of running to fill your week.
2. Eat less iodine
A diet that includes very little iodine can reduce the symptoms of arthritis and other painswhile allowing the body to better recover after a workout.
A few foods you should avoid:
Dairy products
Egg yolk
Soy products
Chocolate (excluding dark chocolate)
A few foods you should eat:
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Egg white
3. Get off the road and pavement
Running or walking on hard concrete treats your joints to regular, hard shocks. Running or walking on softer land such as the beach, regular earth or grass is much more forgiving for your joints and will inflict less damage. Also, if you run or walk on a dirt road, each step you take will be a little different, and so impact a different point in the joint - a preferred result to applying that same pressure on the same part of the joint over and over again.
4. Run the way you feel
Avoid running in a pre-determined rhythm, especially when you have to fight for it and already feel it's hard for you, as you risk inflammation and pain. Run according to your feeling and be attentive to your breathing. Choose the effort that's right for you according to your level of fitness and level of pain you are experiencing. 
Light effort - You need to be able to talk while you run. If you can't, you're working too hard.
Medium effort - One level harder, which you get to when you can already hear your breathing very clearly, but still control it.
Hard effort - Your breathing should be labored and you are straining, but still in control. If you don't feel as if you are in control of your breathing, you've crossed the line between hard effort and an effort that harms you.
5. Exercise regularly
Studies show that regular physical activity can help protect you from health issues in both the short and long term future. You should always be moving. Don't avoid running for long periods of time and then suddenly return to a hard effort run, because that's a great way to hurt yourselves. The more regular your exercise, the better for your joints.
6. Get a good warm-up
Running on 'cold muscles' can aggravate joint pain. Put time into warming up to increase the flow of blood to the muscles you are about to work with. A warm shower before and after the run may also help, literally warming up the muscles. This method is especially effective for those running in the cold hours of the morning.
7. Change your running shoes on time
First, invest in good running shoes that will take pressure off your joints. Second, replace those shoes every 500-650 km (300-400 miles). Why? Because no matter how good the shoes, they WILL lose the ability to protect your joints from shocks after that amount of usage.
8. Reduce long-distance running or walking
There is no objective measure for what a long distance is. Long-distance is any distance that FEELS long for you and your body. If you running for longer distances during the weekend, it is a good idea letting your body heal. Instead of taking that long run every weekend, do it every two weeks or even every three. You can still run on the weekend, but try not to overload yourselves. Many people feel better when they do the distances over a few workouts, especially as we get older.
9. Try a combination of running and walking
Instead of applying pressure to the joints during your entire workout, try to combine a 3-4 minute run with a 1-2 minute walk, alternating between the two as you continue on your workout. You'll be able to feel the difference from the very first workout, and your joints will thank you for the little breaks in pressure you give them.

The Health Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

AstroVighnesh-US:(425) 358-6565 India:+919445548316 Wat'sapp

Pedicures, face masks, soap with “beads”, all of these are meant to help you remove dead skin and encourage the growth of a new layer. Did you know, however, that you can get better results with fewer chemicals by performing a technique called “Dry Skin Brushing”?
What is Dry Skin Brushing?
Quite simply, it is the process of using a stiff-bristled brush on your skin in order to exfoliate the upper layer.
Dry Brushing

What are the benefits?
Spending just a few minutes every day to brush your skin helps remove old, dead skin, which in turn gives you a glowing appearance. The act of removing old skin cells prompts the creation of a new, healthier layer of skin. It also helps clearing up and clogged pores, which helps your skin breath and prevents unsightly zits and “blackheads”.
Skin Brushing also reduces cellulite by tightening the epidermis (the upper skin layer) and breaking down fat deposits that are near the skin. It’s not a replacement for good physical exercise, but rather compliments it.
Dry brushing helps increase your blood flow by agitating the skin. It stimulates the nerve system, which helps with muscle toning. The agitated skin produces more hydration oils, essential in keeping your skin taut and elastic, and also helps in stimulating your lymphatic system, which boosts our immune system.
How do you do it?
Dry Brushing
For starters, you’ll need a brush that has a long handle and natural, stiff bristles.

Once you’ve got your brush, start using it on your feet, moving the brush in long, sweeping motions. Avoid scrubbing and maintain a light pressure – you don’t want to hurt your skin (which causes redness and irritation). Once you reach your abdomen area, move the brush in counterclockwise motions, and upward movements for your back. Finish by brushing your chest, arms and hands in a similar motion to your legs. It’s advised that you avoid sensitive areas the face, for which you should get a smaller, gentler brush. Finally, it’s highly recommended that you take a shower once you’ve finished, to remove any leftover skin cells.

Dry brushing shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes in the morning, with benefits that will last a lot longer, so don’t give up after a few days – keep doing it and you’ll be amazed with the results.